SAP Calculator SAP Calculator This calculator has been created as a tool to aid students in projecting their Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status. You will be able to utilize your transcript to complete the following sections. For instructions how to view your Unofficial Transcript please visit the UConn Knowledge Base Please note this calculator is for informational purposes only and is not an official representation of what your SAP status will be. Official SAP status is calculated by the Office of Student Financial Aid Services annually after the Spring term ends. CareerUndergraduateRHAGPHARMDGraduateDoctoralCurrent SAP StatusHave you been approved for a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) appeal before?YesNoThis field is hidden when viewing the formFAEP GPA StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formGPA StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formPace StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formTimeframe StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formUndergraduate GPA Standard Over 30This field is hidden when viewing the formRHAG GPA Standard Over 30This field is hidden when viewing the formUndergraduate GPA StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formUndergraduate Timeframe StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formUndergraduate FAEP GPAThis field is hidden when viewing the formRHAG GPA StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formRHAG Timeframe StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formRHAG FAEP GPAThis field is hidden when viewing the formPHARMD GPA StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formPHARMD Timeframe StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formPHARMD FAEP GPAThis field is hidden when viewing the formGraduate GPA StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formGraduate Timeframe StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formGraduate FAEP GPAThis field is hidden when viewing the formDoctoral GPA StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formDoctoral Timeframe StandardThis field is hidden when viewing the formDoctoral FAEP GPACumulative Attempted CreditsEnter the Cumulative Attempted Credits from your most recently completed semester on your transcriptCumulative Earned CreditsEnter the Cumulative Earned Credits from your most recently completed semester on your transcriptWarning: Earned Credits can not be higher than Attempted CreditsThis field is hidden when viewing the formCurrent PaceCumulative GPAEnter the Cumulative GPA from your most recently completed semester on your transcriptThis field is hidden when viewing the formSemester GPAThis field is hidden when viewing the formNew GPAThis field is hidden when viewing the formGPA NetThis field is hidden when viewing the formFAEP GPA NetThis field is hidden when viewing the formPace NetThis field is hidden when viewing the formTimeframe NetThis field is hidden when viewing the formMeeting GPAThis field is hidden when viewing the formMeeting FAEP GPAThis field is hidden when viewing the formMeeting PaceThis field is hidden when viewing the formMeeting TimeframeThis field is hidden when viewing the formFAEP Credit MeetingCurrent ClassesPlease enter the name, estimated grade, and credits attempted for the current term.CourseGradeCredits Attempted AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-FP Add Remove Your projected GPA for this term is Your projected completion rate for this term is Estimated SAP Status Meeting Satisfactory Academic ProgressEstimated SAP Status Not Meeting Satisfactory Academic ProgressEstimated SAP Status Meeting Financial Aid Eligibility PlanEstimated SAP StatusNot Meeting Financial Aid Eligibility PlanEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.