
Annual SAP Evaluation

Annually, the Office of Student Financial Aid Services (OSFAS) is required to evaluate all students for compliance with the University SAP policy. As such, evaluations for all students will take place on May 16th, 2023. Students who do not meet the parameters outlined in the SAP policy may be subject to cancellation of their 2023-2024 […]

Summer Financial Aid

Summer Financial Aid offers will be available in early April. Students who register at least half time (6 credits for undergrads or 4.5 credits for grads) may be eligible for a Pell Grant or Direct Loans. To estimate your loan eligibility visit our Estimated Summer Loan Eligibility Calculator. If you receive a Pell Grant during […]

Finalize your Spring 2023 Enrollment

The fixed enrollment date for the Spring 2023 semester is Monday, January 30, 2023. The tenth day of classes is the last day on which you are able to add or drop classes via the Student Administration System. The amount of your financial aid offer for the semester will be based on the number of […]

Changes to Verification

We are partnering with Inceptia to expedite the Verification process.  If your FAFSA was chosen for Verification be on the lookout for emails from VGCS@Inceptia.org.  If you do not know if your FAFSA was chosen for verification you can sign into your FAFSA at https://studentaid.gov/ and check your Student Aid Report (SAR).   Click here https://financialaid.uconn.edu/eligibility/ […]

Student Debt Relief

Federal Student Aid and the Biden-Harris Administration have announced loan forgiveness plans of up to $20,000 for prior Pell-Grant recipients and up to $10,000 for all other loan borrowers. To be eligible, borrower’s annual income must be below $125,000 (individuals) and $250,000 (married couples/head of households). Borrowers can view their loan balances and check their […]

Financial aid not appearing on your fee bill?

For your financial aid to appear as an anticipated deferral on your fee bill, the following steps must be completed: Accept/Decline Financial Aid Offer Review your financial aid offer and accept or decline the aid you were offered via the Student Administration System. Submit Required Documentation Log in to the Student Administration System and click […]