ON-TIME FINANCIAL AID DEADLINE APPEAL Academic Year* Before submitting a 2024-2025 On-Time Appeal, please review your FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) at studentaid.gov. If the date your application was received is on or before March 15, 2024, your FAFSA is considered on-time, and you do not need to submit an On-Time Appeal. View your online FAFSA Submission Summary: 1. Log into Student Aid using your account username and password at https://studentaid.gov. 2. Select your processed FAFSA submission. 3. Select “View FAFSA Submission Summary.” 4. At the top of your online FAFSA Submission Summary, under the “Eligibility Overview” tab, you’ll see the date your application was received. If you are unsure if your FAFSA is on-time or not after following the instructions above, please contact One Stop Student Services at 860-486-1111 or onestop@uconn.edu. Form Instructions: Submit the completed appeal form outlining the special or unusual circumstances that contributed to filing for financial aid after the on-time financial aid deadline. Examples of circumstances that are not considered special or unusual include, but are not limited to; family or student waiting for actual income figures; non-UConn publications with incorrect deadlines; initiating the FAFSA web application process late pending a FSA ID. University of Connecticut Student Financial Aid Services 233 Glenbrook Road Unit 4116 Storrs, CT 06269-4116 Phone: (860) 486-1111 E-mail: onestop@uconn.edu Website: https://financialaid.uconn.eduSECTION 1: Student (Borrower) InformationLast Name*First Name*MIStudent ID*Net ID*TelephoneCell PhoneSECTION 2: Classification / Class StandingSelect Class/Classification* First Year Sophomore Junior Senior Post-Undergrad Graduate Transfer SECTION 3: Select the type(s) of special or unusual circumstance on which your appeal is basedMedical-Student MEDICAL-STUDENT: Medical condition or circumstance*Date of onset:* Month Day Year MEDICAL-FAMILY MEMBER: MEDICAL-FAMILY MEMBER: Name of family member:*Relationship to student:*Medical condition or circumstance:*Date of onset:* Month Day Year DEATH OF FAMILY MEMBER: DEATH OF FAMILY MEMBER: Name of family member:*Relationship to student:*Date of death:* Month Day Year DIVORCE/SEPARATION-PARENT: DIVORCE/SEPARATION-PARENT: Name-Parent 1:*Relationship to student:*Name-Parent 2:*Relationship to student:*Date of divorce/separation:* Month Day Year OTHER SPECIAL OR UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCE(S): OTHER SPECIAL OR UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCE(S): Date of onset:* Month Day Year SECTION 4: Provide a written summary including dates, describing how your special or unusual circumstance(s) contributed to not meeting the on-time financial aid deadline.Provide a brief summary to explain the special or unusual circumstances that contributed to the late filing of your FAFSA or Institutional Aid Application.*Student AcknowledgementStudent Signature*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Borrower Certification* I hereby attest that the circumstances described in my appeal are true and accurate. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.